February 9, 2025

Vertigo Treatment: How about Choosing the Right one


When choosing vertigo treatment, you should consider the cause and severity of your symptoms. If you are suffering from nausea and vomiting, your doctor may prescribe a drug called prochlorperazine, which comes in a sublingual tablet and injection form. The drug is safe to use if you are also experiencing dizziness. If your vertigo is a result of an underlying medical condition, you may want to try an antihistamine.

Another possible cause of vertigo is a virus. In such cases, the best vertigo treatment is to wait until the virus is gone. While the virus itself may be difficult to treat, in most cases, vertigo will completely disappear after a few weeks. A full recovery from a viral infection is almost guaranteed for patients. This option is an effective treatment for many who have chronic vertigo and has a low risk of recurring.

Other common treatments for vertigo include over-the-counter motion sickness medications. These medications can provide relief for an acute bout, but may cause rebound effects if taken for an extended period of time. In severe cases, however, it is important to see a medical professional for proper diagnosis. A doctor can use simple, yet effective techniques such as repositioning calcium crystals in the inner ear, which can cause vertigo.

Certain foods and substances should be avoided by people with vertigo. A balanced diet and adequate sleep are also recommended. Exercise, meditation, and proper hydration can help reduce the effects of vertigo. Keeping a diary of your symptoms can also be a good vertigo treatment. Some people find it helpful to lie down on a flat surface and fixate a stationary point. Then, try pressing on a furniture or floor to reassure their brain.

Another type of vertigo treatment involves vestibular rehabilitation. This therapy helps the brain adapt to changes in the vestibular system. It can be especially helpful when started shortly after your vertigo starts. During treatment, you will work with a physical therapist and learn exercises to perform at home. One of these exercises involves moving your head slowly up and down while holding the position for several minutes. These exercises can be done several times per day.

If your vertigo symptoms are severe enough to interfere with your life, your doctor may recommend surgery. The risk of losing hearing or balance is higher with surgery than with other treatments. Thankfully, there are several effective vertigo treatments available. Your doctor can recommend the right medication and exercise regime to help you feel better and restore your normal daily routine. If your vertigo treatment options don’t improve, you can consult a neurologist or visit your local clinic.

Another option is vestibular rehabilitation, a relatively new form of physical therapy. Although not all physical therapists specialize in this field, these exercises involve doing difficult balance tasks that initially make your vertigo symptoms worse. However, repeated exercises over a period of time improve the balance system in the brain. Examples of these exercises include moving your eyes side to side and rotating your head side to back. You should be sure to ask your doctor to recommend specific exercises for you, as they may have positive effects on your vertigo.